Welcome to Wives Connection Recipes home. Formerly Nigerian Women Blog. Our name and (https://www.wivestownhallconnection.com) address probably gives you a pretty good clue about what you can expect from this family.

Here, It’s like a town hall meeting of Nigerian women where we share experiences and recipes from our kitchens.

We focus basically on life in Nigeria and how it affects the Nigerian woman especially wives and Mothers.  We share our burdens, discuss, and try to find solutions from shared experiences. Food is very important to our families, so, we share recipes for babies and food recipes for the whole family.

Through The Mails” Category on the blog, Nigerian women especially wives, freely discuss anonymously and try to help ourselves seeing that it’s difficult to come by marriage counselors in the country if any.

What we do here?

Wives Connection Recipes

Nigerian Food RecipesWe work together for the success of our marriages, share Relationships, and Parenting tips. 

We meet here 24/7 to freely connect, discuss, express our different opinions and sometimes sweat it out as every other family does. Whether you are just dipping your toes into the wonderful world of Relationships, learning to cook better Nigerian foodraising a family, or an experienced Nigerian spouse, we’ll have posts for you. We aim for a balance between the new and experienced with entertainment news to keep us up to date with topics women love to read.

Are you a Lady with questions on how to start or keep a relationship? you might want to read these posts:



You are Married and looking for tips on how to make it better and successful. read these posts:


Do you want to get better at cooking Nigerian cuisine or want to learn to cook variety, read the posts below:


Hi, My name is Eya Ayambem. The teacher, turned content creator (Blogger). I had to give up Teaching when the kids came and needed more of the time I could afford to give them. Blogging from home helped me raise my kids myself while still working full time.
I’m married with four lovely daughters and their only brother. We live in Abuja.
I’m not a Professional Chef. Just sharing recipes from my kitchen to help others better their cooking skills because food is important. I am neither a marriage counselor nor a Fashion icon. I know only little about parenting and babies. All I share here on the blog is from my personal experience as a woman living in Nigeria. Being married for so many years and raising my five kids here in Nigeria.

What do I cook?

I cook traditional Nigerian dishes and Easy International Recipes for my family, sometimes with a twist. Recipes shared on the blog are directly from my home kitchen and generous blog visitors who try my recipes and are excited with the results.
Blogging is a passion. Blogging is fun, it gives me so much joy when I publish right from the laptop on my bed or dining table and people can find and read from all over the world, it’s indescribable.
When I receive thank you Mails from my blog visitors, they make my day.
Even though Nigerian Women Blog is very engaging on Facebook, My focus is still here  too on wivestownhallconnection.com
Contact me via Email: cuulme@gmail.com
Feel free to follow my successful weight loss journey posts:

My Successful Weight Loss Journey which documented daily on the blog might be of help if you are looking to losing some weight with Nigerian Food. I started a Facebook group “Weight Loser Nigeria” during that period, to inspire people to lose weight and live healthily. The group has grown with over 30, 000 membership already. Feel free to join us there if you are interested in losing some pounds.
I love to hear from you, whether you want to tell us about a post you loved, a topic you wish we’d cover, or about a typo/error that you’ve spotted! Just head below and leave a comment or send me an email.

Again, you are welcome!

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