How to make garlic ginger tea with lemon for immunity

Drinking garlic ginger tea with lemon
How to make garlic ginger tea with lemon

In this video, I’m going to make ginger garlic tea with lemon for immunity.  My daughter complained  about  ccold, she’s supposed to go for some tests but asked that I make my special homemade garlic Ginger tea for her to drink before leaving.

Thankfully I saw the cameras staring at me and decided to record the making of this home remedy for cold and sore throat.

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Since the COVID 19 pandemics, one thing that has really become popular in these parts of the world is the making of and drinking of garlic and ginger tea.

The reason most of us are regularly drinking this tea is because of how effective it is with the relief of and the treatment of sore throat and other symptoms of a cold.

Garlic ginger tea is a home remedy for cold and not only cold. This combination helps with weight loss and detoxification of the whole body system.

Ever since we started the lockdown and quarantined lifestyle, this my garlic and ginger tea recipe has been our companion.

Because of the obvious symptoms of coronavirus that are felt in the throat and the fact that this virus spends some hours in the throat before spreading to the lungs and other organs, it is believed that drinking this hot medicinal tea early enough can help curb the transfer of the virus or even attempt to destroy it before any damage is done.

Watch my  garlic ginger tea making video

Here is a video of me making the garlic ginger tea. Watch on YouTube and Subscribe or watch below. The steps are explained both in the video and the post below.

Don’t forget to subscribe free to my new channel for more content like this.

Honestly, here in Nigeria, there are words in the streets that the reason COVID 19 isn’t spreading as much as was expected to by experts is because of the “National addiction” to drinking hot garlic and ginger tea.

Only very few people in this country will tell you that they haven’t taken any of these home remedy teas since the pandemic.

I had a bad sore throat last week that actually cleared in two days after I started drinking my garlic and Ginger tea morning and evening. The tea helped me feel better in no time. Usually, when I have a sore throat like that, it never really clears until it has degenerated to cough and catarrh. This time, the tea helped me get well without having to treat coughing and running or blocked nose.

There are so many health benefits of garlic ginger tea. The benefits increase when you add some slices of lemon. I don’t always add lemon juice to my garlic ginger tea.
Today, I’m adding to my daughter.

Can we sweeten garlic ginger tea?
Yes, we can. Feel free to sweeten with honey or a little sugar or any sweetener you choose.

I can take garlic Ginger tea every day and just let my coffee rest. Because my teacup is small, I don’t think about any overdosage of this tea at all.

Ingredients for my tea

Lemon is optional
Sweetener is optional too.

Here are 20 Health benefits of garlic ginger tea with lemon

  1. It helps to flush out toxins in your system and also used to completely detoxify.
  2. Aids digestion of food
  3. Helps with weight loss as drinking this tea keeps your calorie levels low.
  4. Garlic is a superfood with potent medicinal properties.
  5. Combats mouth odor
  6. Helps to reduce blood pressure
  7. Fights cold and catarrh
  8. Reliefs a blocked nose by clearing the ai passage of thick mucus
  9. Helps improve sex life for couples
  10. Can treat nausea and morning sickness
  11. Helps to reduce the risk of diabetes
  12. Relieves menstrual (Period) pain.
  13. May lower risk of cancer
  14. It  is a source of vitamin C
  15. Helps to promote hydration
  16. Can improve your skin quality
  17. Helps to freshen breath
  18. It can help prevent kidney stones.
  19. Improves immunity against illness
  20. Fights bad cholesterol in your system.

Imagine getting all the health benefits of ginger, garlic, and lemon in one cup? Drink some more!

How to add lemon juice or slices to garlic ginger tea

First, let the tea boil with just the chopped garlic and ginger.
Filter out the clear liquid into your teacup or mug before dropping in a few slices of lemon.
Do not cook the lemon slices. Let them in after the tea is ready. You can let it stand for a few minutes to help the Lemon infused with the garlic and ginger before drinking.

Garlic and ginger don’t have to be combined like this to make tea. Sometimes I boil just ginger or garlic pieces alone and drink without any combination and that is excellent too.

One thing I love about garlic is the fact that it smells and tastes way better when cooked than raw. Cooked garlic has a very nice aroma compared to raw garlic. When garlic is boiled, baked, roasted, fried, or cooked in any form, the flavor, the aroma, taste, and everything just get better and better.

Watch me make this healthy tea and do not forget to Subscribe to  Channel.



Yes, garlic is very good for pregnant women. When I was pregnant for my babies, I added a lot of garlic to my stews. I couldn’t make any chicken recipe without garlic. The only time I couldn’t stand the smell of garlic was when it was still raw. As a pregnant woman, raw garlic didn’t appeal to me at all. Once the garlic is cooked, it tasted good, and considering the benefits of garlic for me and my unborn baby, I ate and ate in my grilled chicken.

Even when I had to fry chicken, we first of all parboiled with garlic and ginger to give the chicken that extra rich taste.

Garlic is very healthy for the whole family. Garlic is excellent for a pregnant woman, it’s great for kids and even elderly citizens. Adding garlic to cooking is just awesome.

If you are pregnant and wondering if it’s safe to cook with garlic or not because of the unborn child? Please go ahead and enjoy some good garlic aroma in your meals.



My answer is yes because if a breastfeeding mum can eat onion and green peppers and even chilies, then she should enjoy ginger and garlic too. During my pregnancies, I enjoyed drinking kunu with lots of ginger. I loved that spicy gingery flavoured kunu. One reason I ensured my drinks were made at home was to help me add fresh ginger. Zobo wasn’t left out. Even my fruit smoothies tasted better with garlic in them.

My advise for a breastfeeding mother if to add ginger in moderation. Too much of anything is not good. If you are a breastfeeding mum, add ginger and garlic to your meals but ion moderation. If the garlic smells in your breastmilk and the baby doesn’t like it, you’ll know. Babies fuss and cry when they don’t enjoy their suckling. If you eat garlic and your baby still nurses well on her breast milk, then you have nothing to worry about.

A breastfeeding mum deserves to enjoy the health benefits of garlic and ginger listed above. Do not take too much garlic so your baby doesn’t perceive a different taste in the breast milk while nursing.



Kids need to enjoy the health benefits of these superfoods. Who else needs these nutritious plants more than kids. Our kids are still growing up. They need to eat healthy to grow strong and healthy bones and to not fall sick often.

We add garlic and ginger to cooking in my home and the kids partake of the meals. They can’t even tell the difference. I always say that the only meals I cannot add garlic and ginger to right now are my Nigerian soups. For stews and drinks, trust me to enjoy them with garlic. My kids enjoy all this food and drinks we make with garlic and ginger. I also don’t know how to add ginger to Nigerian soups. It’s not an ingredient for our soups used for swallows.



Well, I do chew raw ginger when I have a sore throat or cold and it’s really good. I can’t even chew much because ginger is spicy. I chew a little piece of ginger and I’m fine. For garlic, I really would love to eat raw garlic and derive all the benefits that haven’t been destroyed by cooking but as I said earlier, I’m still learning to enjoy the aroma of raw garlic.

I don’t know how my breath will smell if I eat raw garlic. However, for safety? It is very safe to eat raw garlic if you can I know that I love to eat my onion raw. I love to add raw onion to palm oil and serve with boiled yam and it tastes really good.

Have you chewed raw garlic before and enjoyed it? Please share it with us below.



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