Shredded Chicken Gravy Noodles With Sauce

noodles with some sauce

Noodles with sauce can be so refreshing and fun. It feels like one is eating noodles with a side of pepper soup. 


Yesterday, I
posted on Shredded Chicken Sauce Noodles Without Sauce. The story meant for this post, I published it there. Lol!


shredded chicken noodles with sauceFor the recipe of this indomie noodles, GO HERE.


 noodles with shredded chicken sauce and some onions
 vegetables in noodles
 noodles cook in sauce and vegetables
 a serving of noodles
 pepper soup like sauce with noodles


 healthy noodles with chicken sauce and vegetables 
 hot vegetable noodles

This is just one small pack indomie. The quantity in the plate is like a quarter of the pot content. The shredded chicken sauce, vegetables and water so increased the quantity and made me consume less indomie noodles while feeling full and satisfied.
The Recipe is the same as that of yesterday, except for the quantity and water added to this one. I made this for myself and made the other one for sausage lovers. I made only mine with some sauce because sausage lovers didn’t want any sauce in theirs. They wanted dry indomie noodles.

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