Things to do after an abortion
What to do after an abortion

Hello madam Eya. Please I need your help after an abortion. I had a D and C yesterday at the hospital. I thought they were going to put me on admission and at least monitor my body for 24 hours before releasing us to go home but they didn’t.

As soon as I came out of the theater, we were told that we can go hoe and I’m very worried what if complications arise. The pregnancy was upto three months. When I started to bleed, we rushed to the hospital trying to see if the baby can be saved or something but scan showed the baby was already gone.

We accepted to do the abortion and honestly apart from feeling emotionally down. I still feel tired and worried that staying at home right now may not be the best thing for me.

I need your advice please. What is the right thing to do after an abortion?

Can I eat any food I like after an abortion?

When is it safe to start work? Even though the Doctor said I can return back to work as soon as I feel strong enough. I want to just take some time off and mourn my little baby before thinking of work again.



Hello. So so sorry about the loss of your baby. It’s well. My prayers are with you and your family at this trying moment. It’s ok that the Doctors carried out that evacuation to help clean you up and get the womb healed and freshened up for another baby. You’ll be fine, we are praying with you.

If you needed to get any admission at the hospital, the Doctors know better and would give given you a bed space ok? Don’t worry. Stay home and try to be on bed rest till you feel strong enough to get busy with house chores. Just rest and sleep and eat well too.

I also had an abortion after my second daughter. When I started bleeding, we thought it could be saved but the Doctors advised we go for evacuation. I know you’ll be, don’t worry.

The right thing to do after an abortion is rest. Take some bed rest and sleep well. Also don’t skip your meals. Eat healthy; Plenty of green leafy vegetables and fruits. Eat your proteins too and some carbs. You need all the nutrition, you also need to regain your energy back.


Blood is lost after a D and C, you need to eat meats, vegetables and fresh foods. Eat fresh soups and swallows, eat your beans porridge, eat rice and tomato stew, eat seafood, eat okra soup and other vegetable soups. Eat foods rich in fiber, wheat bread, boiled or roasted corn in place of pap. Pap has lost its fiber content but roasted and boiled corn are still whole

Eat beans porridge and boiled beans in place of moin moin. Why? Moi moi has lost its fiber content. Boiled beans still has fiber for your good health. Beans skin has some insulin needed to help regulate blood sugar. Eat brown rice. It’s full of fiber content . You can make your jollof or fried rice using brown rice. Eat lots of grains and nuts. Drink milk, eat chicken and eggs.


Like I said earlier. Blood is lost after an avoid. When you eat foods after an abortion, think of foods that are nutritious and replenishing. After going through an abortion, avoid very salty foods, avoid processed foods, avoid canned foods. Eat fresh instead of canned or processed fruits. Fresh vegetables form the farmers markets not canned vegetables. Take less sugars whether processed or the sugarcane.  After an abortion, avoid deep fried and fatty foods.  Avoid sugary drinks until you get better. Foods like pasta are not the best after an abortion. Avoid junk foods after an abortion.

ALSO READ: Four Nigerian foods to avoid while pregnant.

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