
Basically fishes are very important in our diet. Every person wants to eat good healthy food so fishes are one of the

best option for them. Now a days life is too much busy and large quantity of people eat fast food which is very dangerous for their health. They should to avoid these things and adopt household food which will save them from different diseases. Now the question comes in our mind that which fish is best for us. Then according to my advice salmon is best option for you. The scientific name of salmon is salmo salar. Their are many types of salmo salar like chinook salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon and atlantic salmon etc.
Grilled salmon :
There are many easy grilled salmon recipes but this is one of the best grilled salmon recipe ever. This method of cooking takes at least 40 minutes and you should really enjoy it. There is a lot of calories in grilled salmon.


1. First of all take 1 1/2 pound salmon fillets
2. Take some olive oil which will use during the brushing of salmon
3. Some salt is required
4. At least four lemon wedges
5. Some black pepper
Preparation method,



Take a knife and cut salmon into four pieces equally. Then after wrapping each salmon fillets into paper towels, let it cool for few minutes. Brush every piece with olive oil and sprinkle some pepper and salt on these pieces via pinches and grill the salmon at 475 fahrenheit. Check these salmon fillets after ever five minutes until they could not be ready. When it get ready then enjoy with friends.
Grilled lemon – Garlic salmon :
Below the ingredients and preparation method of salmon is described.


1. Minced of two garlic cloves
2. At least four salmon fillets
3. Half tablespoon pepper
4. Half tablespoon rosemary
5. Two tablespoon grated lemon zest
6. Half tablespoon salt also required
Preparation method,
Take a small bowl and mix all the things except salmon fillets then rub this mixture over salmon. Wet a paper towel with oil and rub on grill rack then keep salmon on the grill for 10 minutes. Now your grilled salmon nutrition is ready.
These are healthy grilled salmon recipes.

Nutritions :
In one salmon fillets
Calories 268, sodium 381mg, protein 29g, fat 16g, cholesterol 85mg.

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