How to start your own blog on free blogger platform

How to start a blog
How to become a blogger without paying a dime

Starting a blog on blogger is easy. There is no experience required. All you need is a laptop, smartphone and.. internet connection. This
is about the fifth blog I have created since starting as a blogger in 2012 with my very first blog that got me my first feature in Magazines and other blogs.

I have also successfully migrated a blogger blog to WordPress to enable me to add plugins and earn money with more ease. As a blogger, I would like to take you along this blog creating journey by showing you the steps that I took to start my blogger blogs.



The first thing to do to start your blogging journey is to  go to Blogger.
You can click on the link there and find yourself at or you Google “how to start a blog on Blogger”. That will take you straight to blogger website.
A window will open asking you to Sign in. If you already have a Google account, then sign in at once and continue to create your blog on blogger. If you do not own a Google account already, then just click on create ACCOUNT.
That should take you where you create your Google account by filling in your name, surname, the username you want, and then the Email. If you have an Email you want to use already, you can click on use my current Email Address Instead.  Type in your password, confirm the password by typing it again, then click on continue. If you have a Gmail account already, you just sign in Click on
Create a Blog and Continue.


Type a title for you blog and wait a bit to see if it’s available or not.
Image titled Start a Blog on Blogger Step 6
 Image courtesy; wikihow



Now, type an address (URL) for your blog . Try different variations of the name you chose to see if that address is available. If it’s available, enter the word Verification to prove that you are not a Robot, then continue.
NEXT STEP is to pick a BLOGGER TEMPLATE. My advise on here is t
o pick the topmost template as that might be the most recent release. From down is the oldest template and as time goes on, Blogger releases more templates which are more recent and faster in loading. Right now, the most recent Templates are The Contempo template, The Soho and The Emporio Blogger Templates. Pick any. In the future, more templates will be added and for me the topmost three which happen to be the most recent are my preferred blogger templates any day.
Once you have picked a template. At this point,
you may not need to customise until you have published your first blogger post and seen how it looks live on
your new blog.


Look at the right hand side of your new blogger dashboard where you are right now. There are many tabs there. Scroll down a bit and click on SETTINGS. Once it opens. Follow the next steps to make your blog visible to the world or to set it to private.
TITLE: The Title carries the name of your blog.
DESCRIPTION: Here, is where you describe your new blog. Tell the world what you are blogging about. In a few words, give a description of your lovely new awesome blog.
PRIVACY: Click and set your privacy to YES if you want your blog to be found on search engines and read all over
 the world. Save Settings now.
You can click NO and save settings. NO means that your blog is set to private, to be read and enjoyed by you alone or .just blog members.
After configuring upto PRIVACY, the rest is ok.
You go back to the left hand side and click on
POSTS, COMMENTS AND SHARING… In The box beside posts, you can type in the number of posts you want to see on the Homepage of your blog. If you type in 5, that means after 5 posts,
your blog shows the next posts as page 2. Then,
pick the settings you want for your new blog comments.
There are other settings like Language and Formatting, Your Search Preference and more. However, for now, you have done

the basic and really really needs to write posts and add valuable content to the new blog, before you think about Adding Adsense ads and other blogger Settings.

Every Setting is important but content is King. Write posts, familiarize yourself with your new sweet blog and then from time to time, visit the blogger Settings on this dashboard and complete everything the way that you want for your blog.

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