Income Earning Housewife
Becoming a professional housewife.


I usually don’t like talking about this because if I give my real opinion, some will say I am encouraging laziness among women. 🙄 I emphasized small business because you truly cannot take care of your home and kids if you want to do serious business.

Forget what anyone is saying out there. Issa lie! Something must give! Entrepreneurship is no joke. It is not for the faint-hearted. And if your heart desire is to take excellent care of your home and kids YOURSELF, choose a business that will not take all your time.

That’s why I chose multi-level marketing. I don’t have a househelp now, but I am coping.

If I were doing some business that requires me to be there all the time, I would have been in trouble. I also don’t have my family close, so I cannot quickly go and drop my kids with grandma, or aunty.

So, if you’re like me, with small kids, the husband has a demanding job, and you really love to be a stay at home mom but you also want to have something going for yourself, look for something that will not take you away from the house or take all your time. Or something that takes you out of the house only when the kids are in school. Go for residual income.

That’s my plan for now when my kids are older, my plans might change.

*Please this is only for women who want to stay at home. I feel like I have to put this disclaimer every time I talk about this topic.

If you are a career woman, your dream is to run a multi-billion dollar empire, by all means, kindly ignore all I have said. But also realize that some women actually love the traditional simpler way of life and there is nothing wrong with that. We are all created differently and you shouldn’t be ashamed of your choice, no matter what it is.

Soon I will make a post on a list of small businesses with big potentials you can start from home while your kids are still small.

Please follow me on IG @adaezes_space 😘


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