How to make kunu drink with Millet fresh sweet potatoes and fresh ginger

Drinking kunu
How to make kunu drink with fresh ingredients

Here is how to make kunu drink with millet using fresh sweet potatoes and fresh ginger. This is an update on the older kunu recipe.

A lot of people know how to make millet kunu or any other kunu very well with dried potatoes and dfried ginger. However, they don’t know it’s possible to make these different types of kunu drink with ingredients fresh from the farm.

The ginger and potatoes we are going to use inmaking these millet kunu have just been harvested from the farm .

My initial plan was to just make kunu drink with millet alone. While it soaked in water, my baby poured some grain of guinea corn inside. I was happy he did that you know why?

That means drinking this kunu millet means we are getting all the health benefits of millet kunu and the nutritional benefits of guinea corn combined. That’s awesome and I loved it.

Here is my kunu recipe video showing the steps as I make it from scratch in my kitchen. This is one drink I learnt to make as soon as my family moved to The North and we love it.

Here is my kunu recipe from scratch showing in a video. Don’t forget to subscribe HERE on YouTube to enable get all our video recipe updates.

I filmed this kunu steps to help those who don’t like reading long posts. You can use the video or read below to make your millet kunu from scratch.


  • Millet grains
  • Water
  • Fresh ginger roots
  • Fresh sweet potatoes
  • Cloves


  1. First wash the millet grains very well with clean water. Pick out dirt and tiny stones.
  2. Soak them in clean water for about 6 hours or over night. Wash, chop and soak the potatoes, ginger and cloves in a different container. When it’s time to blend, feel free to drop a few pieces of the ingredients into the soaked millet. It turns out great when millet is blended with ginger. Awesome aroma in the end result.
  3. Blend the millet grains and set aside, then blend the ingredients and keep in a separate container.
  4. Pour boiling water into the bowl or bucket of blended millet until it cooks and thickens like thge way we make Nigerian corn pap for babies.
  5. Let is sit and rest for about an hour or more to cool a bit before pouring in the blended sweet potatoes, ginger and cloves waiting in a different bucket. Now stir very well and leave to completely cool even if that means waiting till the following day.
  6. Using a cheese cloth, sieve out with ease using the quick method shown in the video above. That is the fastest method to filter kunu drink from chaff.
  7. Sweeten with sugar if you want sweet millet or leave it and chill like that if you prefer unsweetened kunu drink.
  8. Now enjoy the sweet taste and health benefits of millet and guinea corn kunu drink. Kunu deinks are best served chill.


Kunu drink and pregnancy

The effect of kunu drink in pregnancy is positive. Kunu drink is very important for pregnant women because:

  • Kunu helps pregnant women stay hydrated even in dry hot weather and harmattan season.
  • This local drink is made from grains rich in nutrients and who else deserves to get these health benefits of kunu like the carbs, the vitamins, the amino acids and the vitamins in ginger roots.
  • There is no proof yet that kunu drink is harmful to pregnant women. It actually helps them stay strong and hyddrated.
  • I drank so much kunu while pregnant for my son. This is because the pregnancy was in it’s third trimester around the hot months of February and March. Drinking lots of homemade kunu helped me stay well hydrated and strong. I could not drink mu ch of plain water and didn’t want to over load with soda. Drinking kunu in pregnancy helped me survive those hot months.


Can babies drink kunu?

Yes. I give my babies kunu and it’s very good for them. Kunu drink is non alcoholic and full of millet, potatoies and other valuable ingredients.

Kunu drink is good for babies. However, when you make the drink for a baby, use less ginger. Kunu for babies should not be as hot as that of grown ups.

Another point to remember when you make kunu for babies is to leave it at room temperature or a bit cold . Don’t serve very cold drinks to babies please.


  1. How to make coffee with ginger
  2. Sweet potatoes for 6 month old baby
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