fish roasted without oven
How to roast fish on a stove

Here is how to roast fish without oven in a fry pan.

To roast fresh or frozen fish without an oven or grill, the frying pan will do a perfect job. This fish was roasted on both sides in 20 minutes and used to serve the potato in beans porridge posted this

How long you roast fish in a fry pan depends on how dry or how cooked you want the fish. This was roasted till the juices almost dried up, the way we wanted it. If left longer, it might dry up too much or get burnt. 

Below is a video of me cooking fish in a frying pan wrapped in foil. You can watch it on YouTube and subscribe to new food video updates or watch below to use the recipe.


Watch video of fish cooked in fry pan with foil

You can follow the written recipe below whichever of the two that you prefer.

To perfectly roast fish in a frypan without using any oil, foil, baking paper or leaves will help cook the fish with the nutrients retained.

Just wash, season with salt and wrap fish in foil or baking paper then place in the fry pan and turn on the heat. Cook in low to medium heat so the fish cooks through without burning. Onion and other ingredients can be added to the fish before wrapping if that’s how you like it.

the time I checked on this fish by opening up the foil at about 5 minutes, the juices could be seen sizzling and filling the kitchen with sweet aroma.

For this roast fish, after washing and making incisions, a little salt was rubbed before wrapping with foil and roasting with ease. Tastes really delicious and rich. You can roast as many fish as possible in the same frying pan if it’s a big pan. Just wrap fish separately and drop side by side in the pan.

INGREDIENTS for how to roast fish without oven in a fry pan



1. Wash fish, make incisions with your kitchen knife. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and diced onion, rub well on the fish, and incisions before wrapping with foil.

2. Place wrapped fish in a frying pan and cover with a lid.

5. After five minutes Juices were already sizzling and escaping into the fry pan.

6. By 10 minutes on low heat, this is how it looked. Depending on your burners, it might take longer or shorter to roast the fish like this.

You can always check by piercing a fork in the fish or opening a bit of the foil to see.  If fish is cooked. The fork will pierce in, if not, there will be some resistance. Poke fork around the stomach area where there are no large bones.

7. After flipping and waiting another 10 minutes, the fish is cooked and dry the way I wanted it. There was some fish oil sitting in the frying pan. The fish is taken out with the help of a spatula. Foil removed and served with beans and sweet potato porridge.

Can be served with soaked garri or any meal of choice. This pan-roasted fish can be enjoyed as a snack.

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