Kudos As The Ministry of Education Moves to merge Christian and Islamic studies in schools. I Love It

Merging Christian and Islamic Studies Is  A Welcome Development

As I mother, I love this development by the Ministry of Education because you know what? If kids are given the freedom to know something about other Religions, there will definitely be less Religious Crisis in future. Tolerance for other Religions begin right there in the classroom where a Christian and an Islamic child sit together to listen to lessons about God. If they grow up learning Religion together at School, there will be more understanding and acceptance of others. After all, in our days we were taught that way. I learnt about  other world Religions in Primary and Secondary School, that made me realize that the whole world is not just filled with us Christians alone, there are people who believe in other supreme beings and that there are also people (Atheist)  who do not believe in the existence of any God; School taught me about Hindu, Budhism, Islam and so on. 

Although I grew up in the south not knowing what a mosque looked like, I was still taught and made to understand that Muslims pray in a place called a Mosque. The very first time I saw a mosque, it wasn’t that strange because already I knew a little something about it. As a teacher, honestly, I never really liked the method of taking kids to separate classrooms when it’s time for Religious Studies.Teaching these kids together doesn’t mean they’ll be converted into different Religions, No, Let’s not forget that NO KNOWLEDGE IS WASTED. I support this move wholeheartedly, let the kids begin to sit under one roof when God is being mentioned and to ask questions and laugh together and know that the whole world is not just populated by Christians and Muslims alone. Read the article below and please let’s hear if you are in support or against, leave your reason/s on the comment box…

The Federal Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC), is working on reducing the workload of primary and junior secondary pupils from 20 to a maximum of ten subjects under the nine-year basic educational curriculum in order to align with International standards.

However, under this scheme Christian and Islamic Religious Studies, which are separately taught, will now be merged under a compulsory subject known as Religion and National Values (RNV).

Other subjects brought under the RNV include Civic Education, Social Studies, and Security Education.


2 thoughts on “Kudos As The Ministry of Education Moves to merge Christian and Islamic studies in schools. I Love It”

  1. i'm not a parent, but it's a good idea. now atheists can't accuse of following just one religion because that's how we were brought up and that we have no idea bout other religions… on the other hand i don't remember having a joint class or separate class in nigeria (i did leave when i was 10), but i knew what muslims did, mostly because we lived together in harmony in ogun state, our landlord was also muslim and i was friends with his children, when they had festivals , the landlord shared food with almost the entire world lol, fun times. I'm christian btw.


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