My Chicken Pepper soup with Washed bitter leaf

My Chicken Pepper soup with washed  bitter leaf. Dear Diary,
It’s been a while since I posted here. Do not be jealous of your sister wivestownhall. She actually kept me too busy, and I just kept piling your pictures in the camera. Today, I told myself that come what  may, you will have something to eat.
This chicken peppersoup is a delicacy. I love to take it in the morning when the hot soup can really help in cleansing and moving my bowels.  Sometimes, I cook chicken peppersoup with the spices and hot leaf (uziza). Today I decided to do it a different

way and I must confess that I am not going to let this method go. This method of preparation is now my favorite. It is done with just the chicken entrails apart from intestines o, wings and tiny legs. That is after the drumsticks and other parts have gone into the pot of stew. Other parts can also be used depending on what I want at a particular time.

  • Chicken internal organs like gizzards and others, legs and wings
  • washed bitter leaf
  • pepper
  • onion
  • salt
  • knorr cubes
  • water
  1. Put the washed entrails in a pot with just a drop of water.
  2. Add some knorr cubes or maggi seasoning, salt, chopped onion and ground or chopped fresh red peppers.(DO NOT ADD CURRY OR THYME TO THIS DISH PLEEEASE).
  3. Allow it to boil, check and add the ingredient you are not satisfied with. Allow that little water to dry up but, be careful not to burn the pot.
  4. Add some more water depending on the quantity of chicken soup you want.Taste again and, add some salt to taste. Bring it to a boil.
  5. Add the washed bitter leaf, sparingly.  *I do not like the bitter taste, so, I wash until the taste is almost completely gone OR buy already washed bitter leaf as that doesn’t take long to wash.* Remember that boiling bitter leaf in a pot removes the bitter taste, so, you don’t need to scrub all day. Just sprinkle a handful or less into the boiling pot and cover.
  6. Allow the chicken to cook till tender. TIP: Cocks or generally, male types of all animals cook faster because the meat is not as tough as their females. If you bought the parts from a shop, you will need to check often as you can’t tell which “gender” it is.
  7. When the meat is cooked, it is ready. Just as simple. Serve and enjoy it hot!
While cooking this one, I realized that once the washed bitter leaf starts boiling, it changes the taste of the contents. That raw chicken taste that I don’t like disappears immediately. There is no need for pepper soup spices. This just has a different appetizing taste for a change.
pepper soup
My Chicken Pepper soup with Washed bitter leaf
Chicken pepper soup is very healthy. There is no fleshy part there. There is no fear of fats or cholesterol. Do not forget that bitter leaf is very good for the digestive system. While eating, if you are not careful, you may drink a whole gallon of water. The leaf made me thirsty often, and even ordinary plain drinking water begins to taste sweet, when you drink after eating this. The kids do not eat pepper, but when it is chicken pepper soup, they don’t mind. Even if you are trying to lose weight, you can confidently enjoy chicken pepper soup.
It can be eaten with white ( boiled) rice in place of tomato stew or gravy. I use it with rice for a change. It has great health benefits.

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