Hello, We Are Merging Now!

 My unripe porridge plantain with Vegetable
Hi, I did a post on this blog about one blogging mistake that must be avoided. On that post, I mentioned that my second blog welcome to joy ojay’s kitchen diary was not getting enough attention from me.  I remember urging fellow newbies to ensure that their first blog is old enough to stand on it’s “two legs” before attempting to start a second blog. That post is RIGHT HERE.
All these while I kept struggling to keep both

blogs updated, while the pidgin English blog waits patiently. At least that one does not even require  unique content *So I think*  Last night, Myne published some foods she cooked on Myne Whitman Writes and I go WHAT! SO THIS IS POSSIBLE?  All along, I have felt like this niche is not related to food in anyway. Looking at her foods on that site  was an eye opener. “I am a good student” So now I am thinking  “hmmmm  it is possible to put everything on one blog”

On the comment section, I had to ask if Myne could do a post on how to merge blogs and as usual she agreed to do it. However, before settling in bed, I remembered that *GOOGLE IS MY FRIEND* and decided to go Google.  I have now discovered that it is something I can do even without bothering Myne.
Henceforth, I begin to post my kitchen diary here pending when I complete the merger. I had kept a draft of my Indomie Noodles with Chicken and Veggies on the Food Blog, but, now I am rushing there to grab it and publish here for a start. Have fun eye-eating my food while I do the reeeaaal eaating!
Do you think merging the two blogs   is unnecessary? Kindly advise.

0 thoughts on “Hello, We Are Merging Now!”

  1. Its your blog, you can do anything with it.
    i think its better to post everything here. you can also do it like Myne, that is having sections. e.g romance meets music, meets life and so on

  2. Aunty Ojay am all about d food, we can talk about d blog merging later looolz.
    Dats one of my favourite local dish, prepared with unripe plantain,smoked fish,scent leave or ugu(pumpkin leave) and red oil. But I prefer my plantain chopped smaller than d one am seeing here. Trust me not to beg my wife to cook. Loolz

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  3. I tried having more than one blog and it never really worked out and I later found it is better to have just one and different pages/categories. Glad you got the answer from google 🙂

  4. Actually, when I saw 'wivestownhallconnection' I knew it had to do with topics that cut across issues that concern wives/women We all know women love to cook so why not?

  5. I think having one for different things shows how highly organised you might be.. which is reALLY good!

    but having it all in one is good too becos no one can predict what you would post next..

    whichever way! it's totally up to you!


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