The pressure from Social Media and codedly silent job requirement from some employers is the reason plastic surgery is on the increase among millennials especially the woman.

More millennials are getting plastic surgery, driven by the pressures of social media and the desire to stand out in the job market.

“My boss posted a candid picture of me and all I saw was a giant triangle, like this beak sticking out of my face and that was it, I was done,” she told CBS MoneyWatch. “For years I had joked about getting a nose job, and after that I finally bit the bullet.”

She said social media amplified her insecurities about her appearance because photos that captured her at unflattering angles were available for her — and everyone else — to stare at. “I was always critical of how I looked and if it was just taken at the wrong angle the picture was awful to me, and everyone could see it,” she said.

Mysel’s experience isn’t unusual, according to plastic surgeons.Dr. Patrick Byrne, director of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery at John Hopkins Medicine, described a troubling pattern of patients referring to photographs of themselves, rather than their actual faces, when asked what they’d like to change about their appearances.

“Very often, they can’t actually show you with a mirror in hand. They have to pull out their phones and show you in a picture. That’s a little insane,” he said. It’s also indicative of the degree to which digital photography dictates millennials’ perceptions of themselves, thanks to social media platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat.

“When you start dealing with young people referencing digital images of their face rather than the image that presents in the mirror in the office, that can be highly concerning that they are seeking surgery for the wrong reasons,” Byrne said.

Edge in the job market

Aside from vanity, some patients may have financial reasons for getting plastic surgery. Some younger workers believe an improvement in their appearance will provide a leg up in the job market.

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